EVE Series

The EVE series contains painkillers that quickly and effectively relieve pain. By relieving pain, we hope that women can feel better and be themselves. We want women of all ages to live bright and positive lives. EVE will continue to be a Japanese brand that supports women. The EVE series contains painkillers that quickly and effectively relieve pain. By relieving pain, we hope that women can feel better and be themselves. We want women of all ages to live bright and positive lives. EVE will continue to be a Japanese brand that supports women.

ProductInformation ProductInformation

  • Without hesitation, Eve the Premium*. *Trade name Without hesitation, Eve the Premium*. *Trade name

    Severe headaches, menstrual pain, and stiff shoulder pain / EVE THREE SHOT PREMIUM Severe headaches, menstrual pain, and stiff shoulder pain / EVE THREE SHOT PREMIUM

    Class II Pharmaceutical

    Indications and Purpose of Use Indications and Purpose of Use

    ・Headache, menstrual pain (period pain), stiff shoulder pain, toothache, pharyngeal pain (sore throat), joint pain, muscle pain, lower back pain, pain from tooth extraction, bruises, earache, pain from bone fractures, pain from sprains, and pain from traumas

    ・Chills (shivering caused by fevers) and fever reduction

    Dosage and Administration Dosage and Administration

    Take the following dose up to twice a day with water or lukewarm water. If possible, avoid taking on an empty stomach. Ensure at least 6 hours between doses.

    Dosage Dosage

    Product Features Product Features

    • Feature 1 A highly effective formula for severe headaches, menstrual pain, and stiff shoulder pain Feature 1 A highly effective formula for severe headaches, menstrual pain, and stiff shoulder pain
    • Feature 2 Quick action formula Feature 2 Quick action formula
    • Feature 3 Gentle on the stomach2 and does not contain ingredients that cause drowsiness Feature 3 Gentle on the stomach2 and does not contain ingredients that cause drowsiness
  • Quick relief on severe headaches!  EVE QUICK DX Quick relief on severe headaches!  EVE QUICK DX

    イブクイック頭痛薬DX イブクイック頭痛薬DX


    Designated Class 2 OTC drug

    Indications and Usage Indications and Usage

    ・Headache, stiff shoulder pain, toothache, menstrual pain, sore throat, joint pain, muscular aches, nerve pain, backache, pain from tooth extraction, pain from bruising, ear pain, pain from bone fracture, pain from sprain, and pain from trauma

    ・Reduces chills and fever

    Dosage and Administration Dosage and Administration

    Take the following dose at intervals of more than 6 hours, and do not exceed 2 doses per day. If possible, avoid taking on an empty stomach. Drink water with each dose.

    Dosage Dosage

    Product Features Product Features

    • Feature 1 Designed to work quickly on severe headache Feature 1 Designed to work quickly on severe headache
    • Feature 2 Unique formula highly effective against severe headache Feature 2 Unique formula highly effective against severe headache
    • Feature 3 Gentle on the stomach because it contains magnesium oxide Feature 3 Gentle on the stomach because it contains magnesium oxide
  • Quick relief on headaches! EVE QUICK Quick relief on headaches! EVE QUICK

    イブクイック頭痛薬 イブクイック頭痛薬


    Designated Class 2 OTC drug

    Indications and Usage Indications and Usage

    ・Headache, stiff shoulder pain, toothache, menstrual pain, sore throat, joint pain, muscular aches, nerve pain, backache, pain from tooth extraction, pain from bruising, ear pain, pain from bone fracture, pain from sprain, and pain from trauma

    ・Reduces chills and fever

    Dosage and Administration Dosage and Administration

    Take the following dose at intervals of more than 4 hours and do not exceed 3 doses per day. If possible, avoid taking on an empty stomach. Drink water with each dose.

    Dosage Dosage

    Product Features Product Features

    • Feature 1 Designed to work quickly on headache Feature 1 Designed to work quickly on headache
    • Feature 2 Gentle on the stomach because it contains magnesium oxide Feature 2 Gentle on the stomach because it contains magnesium oxide
  • Quick and solid effect on menstrual pain EVE-A EX Quick and solid effect on menstrual pain EVE-A EX

    Severe menstrual pain and headache イブA錠EX Severe menstrual pain and headache イブA錠EX


    Designated Class 2 OTC drug

    Indications and Usage Indications and Usage

    ・menstrual pain, headache, toothache, sore throat, joint pain, muscular aches, nerve pain, backache, stiff shoulder pain, pain from tooth extraction, pain from bruising, ear pain, pain from bone fracture, pain from sprain, and pain from trauma

    ・Reduces chills and fever

    Dosage and Administration Dosage and Administration

    Take the following dose at intervals of more than 6 hours, and do not exceed 2 doses per day. If possible, avoid taking on an empty stomach. Drink water with each dose.


    Product Features Product Features

    • Feature 1 Highly effective EX Formula for severe menstrual pain Feature 1 Highly effective EX Formula for severe menstrual pain
    • Feature 2 Small tablets are easy to take Feature 2 Small tablets are easy to take
  • various pains* *such as low back pain, stiff shoulder pain, sore throat and headaches EVE-A various pains* *such as low back pain, stiff shoulder pain, sore throat and headaches EVE-A

    low back pain, stiff shoulder pain, sore throat and headaches / イブA錠 low back pain, stiff shoulder pain, sore throat and headaches / イブA錠


    Designated Class 2 OTC drug

    Indications and Usage Indications and Usage

    ・menstrual pain, headache, toothache, sore throat, joint pain, muscular aches, nerve pain, backache, stiff shoulder pain, pain from tooth extraction, pain from bruising, ear pain, pain from bone fracture, pain from sprain, and pain from trauma

    ・Reduces chills and fever

    Dosage and Administration Dosage and Administration

    Take the following dose at intervals of more than 4 hours and do not exceed 3 doses per day. If possible, avoid taking on an empty stomach. Drink water with each dose.

    Dosage Dosage

    Product Features Product Features

    • Feature 1 Ibuprofen suppresses cause of pain such as low back pain, stiff shoulder pain, sore throat and headaches Feature 1 Ibuprofen suppresses cause of pain such as low back pain, stiff shoulder pain, sore throat and headaches
    • Feature 2 Contains ingredients to increase efficacy of ibuprofen Feature 2 Contains ingredients to increase efficacy of ibuprofen
    • Feature 3 Small tablets are  easy to take Feature 3 Small tablets are  easy to take


Once the pain starts, when should I take it? Should I take it after a meal?
It is effective when taken at the onset of pain. However, it is recommended to take it after eating something light to avoid taking it on an empty stomach.
Can I take it with a drink other than water, such as tea or coffee?
Please take it with water or lukewarm water.
Does it contain any ingredients, such as sedatives, that cause drowsiness?
Eve Three Shot Premium does not contain any ingredients that cause drowsiness.
Eve-A, Eve-A EX, Eve Quick, and Eve Quick DX do contain ingredients that may cause drowsiness, so do not drive or operate machinery after taking them.
I took a dose but the pain has not subsided after an hour. Can I take an additional dose?
Eve-A and Eve Quick should be taken no more than three times a day with at least four hours between doses. Eve-A EX, Eve Quick DX, and Eve Three Shot Premium should be taken no more than twice a day with at least six hours between doses. If you are experiencing pain that you have never experienced before, it may be due to some other illness, so a visit to a medical institution is recommended.
I take Eve for headaches, but is it effective for other types of pain?
In addition to headaches, Eve is effective for stiff shoulder pain, lower back pain, sore throat, and menstrual pain, etc.
Please see the product information for more details.
Is it safe for long-term continuous use?
Please avoid long-term continuous use. If symptoms do not improve after taking Eve-A or Eve Quick five or six times or after taking Eve-A EX, Eve Quick DX, or Eve Three Shot Premium three or four times, we recommend that you consult a medical institution.
I am under 15 years old, can I take Eve?
Eve-A, Eve-A EX, Eve Quick, Eve Quick DX, and Eve Three Shots Premium can only be taken by people aged 15 or older.
What is the difference between Eve-A, Eve-A EX, Eve Quick,
Eve Quick DX, and Eve Three Shot Premium?
Eve-A tablets are small and easy to swallow and are recommended for a variety of pains, including lower back pain, stiff shoulder pain, sore throat, and headaches. Eve-A EX contains 200 mg of ibuprofen per dose and is highly effective against painful menstrual pain and headaches.
Eve Quick and Eve Quick DX uniquely combine the pain-relieving ingredient ibuprofen with magnesium oxide. This ingredient protects the stomach mucosa and also speeds up the dissolution of the pain-relieving ingredient. It is a painkiller that is fast acting and gentle on the stomach, which is especially desirable when dealing with headaches. Eve Quick DX, in particular, contains 200 mg of the pain-relieving ingredient ibuprofen per dose. It is a fast acting, highly effective headache medicine for severe headaches that can be expected to have a strong pain-relieving effect.
Eve Three Shot Premium contains 195 mg of the pain-relieving ingredients ibuprofen and 195 mg of acetaminophen in a single dose. It is an antipyretic and analgesic that works quickly and effectively against severe headaches, menstrual pain, and stiff shoulder pain.

Quality Management Quality Management

Safe and high quality products
manufactured in Japan

SSP takes great care from research and development to manufacturing, delivery, and customer support to provide safe and highly reliable products to our customers.

EVE series products are researched and manufactured at SSP Narita Plant in Japan. They are safe and high quality Japanese pharmaceutical drugs manufactured with the latest facilities under GMP* compliance.

*GMP (Good Manufacture Practice of Drugs): Manufacturing management and quality management standards for pharmaceutical drugs and quasi-pharmaceutical drugs.

About Us About Us

SSP has over 250 years of history

SSP CO., LTD was founded in 1765 and has been focused on customer-oriented quality pharmaceutical development and sales for 250 years. In 1985, pain reliever “EVE” was launched as the first over-the-counter ibuprofen product in Japan. SSP as the origin of its company name “Science and Society” aims to contribute to the penetration of self-medication as a pharmaceutical company specializing in over-the-counter drugs.

About Us

SSP logo

Company: SSP CO., LTD
Founded: 1765
Established: 1927
Business lineup: Production and distribution of pharmaceutical drugs, quasi-pharmaceutical drugs, cosmetics, and foods

Origin of SSP logo

The contents of this website are based on the Japanese law.
